Candidate for the position of Guild of Assassins - Communications Officer

Image for Charlie Durrant

Charlie Durrant

Assassin’s Guild Society – Communications Officer

Manifesto of Charlie Durrant


I have not been part of this society for long and know a select few people. I understand I am one of many people hoping to bring change to this society, but I want to keep what is good from this society and build on the foundations that the brilliant minds behind this society started.

I admire players of this society for their brilliant skill and creativity and want to be apart of the team that inspire creative change and innovation of players and from some of the ideas I’ve had, seen and created (wasn’t allowed) but I realised that this pushes people to make the best for something that causes us to think outside the box and think as if we were hunting ourselves.

I want to run as communications officer because I want to interact with YOU! Yes! You reading this. If you vote me in, I plan to make new games get players to suggest improvements and take an active part in this society. It is fine if you don’t, but I wish for games to be run and if people suggest improvements then I will take them to meetings of the committee and voice your improvements. If they aren’t taken onboard, I will try to get back to you as fast as possible as to why the committee said that it wouldn’t add your improvement.

As a communications officer, I will keep the discord running, the Facebook group and any and all current social media up to date as well as a revamp. I also plan on bringing new platforms as well as I will explain below.

Duties I plan to enforce

I will enforce the basis of planning meetings with the new committee with the manager of the society. These will take place when committee members are free.

I will also enforce communication between the society and the union and maintain good relations to uphold this society and keep it running for future committees to take over, as well as submit required documents and ensure the society is kept up to date with all information that concerns them. An example of this is health and safety changes, game changes that occur due to union input and so on.

I plan to keep in contact with all members of the society, “One to one” and “one to many”, all society members will be treated fairly, and any disputes will be passed onto the committee and I will take full responsibility that your concerns are talked about and you get a response.

I will be revamping the society's image and working with the new committee members to recruit more members, hold even more events, have a set plan of games and create a roadmap of what we plan for the year.

I will be closely working with the students union to ensure that we do not break any rules and keep this society running the best way we can. By doing this I hope to become a larger and greater society. With changes I plan to bring and working with other new committee members, I will be ensuring that their changes get through the union as smoothly as possible and if it gets denied, I will relay the information back, set it to the whole society whether the change should be fought for or if the society in general wants it to be dropped.

Future aspirations

I am new. There is no question. But I know everyone has an idea for improvement and I want to get everyone involved in making this society bigger, better and more active as possible. I know the new committee would help me making this a reality. As a committee we would help each other, and I plan to be the letter for the society to engage with the committee. The network that connects you with the people in charge to have your say. This committee wouldn’t be here without you.

I plan to bring more social media platforms to the guild like snapchat, and other potential ones that people may suggest to me. I plan to run them or co-run them, ensuring constant social presence for the society.

I also plan on Revamping the society’s image. This means that the social media platforms will be getting new logos and banners. The social presence online will be bigger than ever before and much more involved with players. We plan to get your stories on record! You will have a chance to leave a legacy for future generations. Kills that get recorded on our social media and left on the internet for other potential players to see.

Another plan is for new games that will be interesting and fun. Both new and short games for all members to join in on. We plan on the varsity team to continue with help from the current committee to help us with what we would need and how to help future varsity events.

I also plan to leave information for the next committee to have a smooth transition for the society each time. This would mean a consistent society and I myself do not plan big changes to the rules because as of now as a player, I find them fun and enjoyable. I plan on bringing new games and new events to the society as well as trying to bring in more players to be more ambitious with our events.

This leads me in to talk about our roadmap of the society’s year and show when set games and events will be running. We would only show what the society is going to be organising for one month as the roadmap would be for the committee but will be our guide as to what we plan to be doing for the year in advance and would allow us to run games smoothly for the players. This would make it smoother as some members may be busier than others so it will be agreed on which committee members would be running which games and which players would be able to play the games themselves.


I feel that as a committee, we are involved with you as players not only as the rule makers and the game planners, but as players (current and/or past) and we feel the same way about this game as you do. We want to be there for you and be fair towards you.

With your votes, I can be there for YOU. As a player, as someone to come to, as someone to share your excited with to share ideas, possible improvements and other stuff. I feel that the players make the games better and I plan to make this game one of the best at staffs. I will be as available as possible and will be leaving my email on the society’s social media and set aside a few hours to respond to emails and queries that I will take to fellow committee members and either resolve or investigate them as I can.

I hope you can share my vision as to what I want this society to become. If you can, I would appreciate your vote to the fullest and be your voice in the committee.


Contact details

In case you have questions for me, I am leaving my email on this document and you can message me on Facebook to ask anything on the society and my plans, if you’re a member or not.

My email is –

Thank you for reading.

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