Candidate for the position of Myth Society - Society Manager

Lee Griffith (LAB)

1. Why do you want to stand?

I am standing as I wish to continue the excellent work done within the society, and to help improve it to the best of my abilities. I will use my experience garnered through my decade of working life to help build this society from strength to strength.


2. How would you represent Staffordshire University Students?

I would fight to make sure that all members of the society feel as though they have a say in wider goings-on at University, and within the society. Anybody that has ideas for the society, union, or university as a whole should be able to come forward, and I’ll work to make sure students voices are heard.


3. If you could change three things about anything to do with being a student at Staffordshire University, what would they be?

  • I would make it easier, and even incentivised, for students to create smaller or niche societies, allowing for a wider range and variety of clubs and societies for students to get involved in.
  • A new film theatre, or at least a refurbishment of the current one, as it can be quite uncomfortable to take lectures in.
  • I would also upgrade the basic computers in the library, as they are generally useless for anything more strenuous than word documents, and nearer to deadlines when the PC rooms are full, this can be an issue.


4. What do you think is the biggest issue facing Staffordshire University?

I think one of the main issues that is facing Staffordshire University is also a problem facing the majority of universities. The combination of fees, post grads trying to find work, and not enough work to go around. This leads to post grads being unable to pay off their loans, which is bad for both the student and the government.

Although Staffordshire University is rated highest in employability, I still believe that this is a massive issue across the entire country.


5. What do you think is the biggest issue facing the Students' Union in the next 12 months?

I believe that the largest issue currently facing the union is Student Engagement. Keeping students involved with societies and the union as a whole is a major point toward fostering a sense of community on campus, and while our society is quite high in numbers, many of my peers are wholly uninvolved with clubs, societies, and the union.  


6. Please tell us about a priority campaign that you would run if elected?

I would liaise with society members, and fellow committee members to use funds gathered from the membership fees to purchase new equipment that can be implemented across the entire society, improving the experiences of current members, and hopefully attracting new ones.


7. Why does that campaign matter to students?

That campaign matters so that the society can operate to its fullest potential, allowing for a wider variety of tabletop games to be enjoyed.


8. What can you offer that no-one else can?

As an older student, I can use my decade of experience in the workplace, working close to managers and team leaders, both with the public and without, where I believe that the communication and team building skills garnered there will be a great asset. Also, I have managed large numbers of members across different facets of the internet (Forums, guilds/clans, etc.), and will be able to use these experiences to the betterment of the society.


9. Sum up your election campaign in less than 140 characters.

The aim is to carry on the work done by our boy Sherborne and the committee, grow the society, and bring in new games for people to play.


We proudly represent the academic interests of all Students at Staffordshire University. Providing advice, student groups and fantastic experiences that make us all very Proud to be Staffs.