Candidate for the position of Amateur Dramatics Society - Finance Officer

Jonathan Payne

Those already part of amdram will know me quite well right now, and I’ve loved getting to know everyone else too. Being a first year, I wanted to succeed in my Computer Networks and Security course, as well as join a range of societies to try and get that “uni experience” and see who I was away from the comforts of home. Along with rugby, having found the amateur dramatics society, I have loved every second, and built many friendships with a whole host of interesting and wonderful people.

Growing up, I was part of many drama groups, and I loved doing school plays. Since beginning to grow up and focusing more on academic goals such as GCSE’s and A-Levels, I lost the time to indulge myself in such activities. In coming to university, I wanted nothing more than to rediscover that passion; and I did! Staffordshire University’s Amateur Dramatics Society immediately welcomed me in as I found myself with a group of like-minded people. They helped me find my way back to being able to do something that I so lovingly enjoy. My motivation to enter the committee is fuelled by a wanting to provide that for others. The evenings I spend with amdram can often be categorised as some of the many highlights of my week, and I would like nothing more than to share that with next years first years, as well as students from any other year group already studying here at Staffordshire University. With us, people learn skills in how to perform on stage, and further their confidence. Both great skills that can help in a number of areas in life. I feel it would be an honour to get onto the committee and be part of the team helping pass this on to others, and inviting them in to expand our society with new members, keeping this amazing society alive, and full of fantastic rehearsals, get-togethers and people.

I hope I would make a great committee member as this society is something that I have grown truly passionate about. If I were to be voted this place, I already know that I would pour my heart and soul into it, just as the current committee members do. They really do run something beautiful, and I would love to keep that going. Academically, maths and business have long been my strong suits and so a role as finance officer could fit me well. Understanding that the duties of said role go past that, and that I would be working alongside the communications officer and manager, to support and get involved with their roles in guiding and leading the Amateur Dramatics Society, I feel I could also contribute significantly here to. I would like to think that I get on with each of the society’s members well. I believe this could embed the trust required by the members to communicate efficiently and effectively with them in a friendly manner, keeping everyone up to date, feeling like their fitting in, and getting involved where, when, and how they want to. As well as this, management is a key skill that I feel I have developed over being a leader with scouts, having worked with a range of people, and planning both large individual and group projects.

As brilliant as I honestly feel it already is, a vision I have to further improve the society in the future is a proposed annual society trip to go and see a performance as a group. This is something I have experienced with other societies, and I know it can be a fun time away with close friends, as just a time to relax from university work and stress, to enjoy yourselves in the world. I feel that it could prove quite insightful to go a watch a play somewhere as a group for us to visually learn how professionals perform so as to give us our own inspiration. A trip such as this could also provide bonding opportunities for future members of the society, keeping the society a friendly, educational and most importantly, a fun place for the future.

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