Francesca Cornwall, Lecturer LSE

For delivering excellent online learning experiences


This is a Proud to be Staffs Story

Here at Staffordshire University Students' Union, our vision is that every student will be Proud to be Staffs. Our stories are examples of the wonderful people and groups in our community and how they make us proud. 

Why not tell us what makes you proud? Click here to tell us your Story!


Proud to be Staffs Story: Francesca Cornwall

Lecturer, School of Life Sciences and Education


Online learning and teaching is one of the biggest changes we've had to adapt to as a University this year, and one we had to do so very quickly. This story describes Fran, who has clearly made an incredible impression on their students with the effort they have taken to make their online learning engaging. Thank you, Fran, for making us Proud to be Staffs.


Francesca Cornwall's Story

"Fran is an outstanding teacher! She has made my first year much more accessible through online learning platforms. Her creativity within the online environment has been fabulous and you can really tell the amount of time she has spent putting together various resources. She has always been on hand to offer guidance or help when needed, answering emails within a very short space of time. Fran really deserves to be recognised for her efforts! "

We hope that you are as proud of your story as we are. However, if you would prefer the Students' Union to no longer display you story on our website, please email and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.