Sarah Higgins, Lecturer LSE

For being an excellent personal tutor


This is a Proud to be Staffs Story

Here at Staffordshire University Students' Union, our vision is that every student will be Proud to be Staffs. Our stories are examples of the wonderful people and groups in our community and how they make us proud. 

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Proud to be Staffs Story: Sarah Higgins

Lecturer, School of Life Sciences and Education


The role of a personal tutor is a complex and important one - providing both academic and pastoral support to ensure that our students have a fantastic experience of studying at Staffs. Sarah Higgins has shown us through their work, just how important this role is. Thank you Sarah, for making us Proud to be Staffs.


Sarah Higgins's Story

"Sarah is my personal tutor and she has helped me so much over the past year and a half. She is kind, caring and always listens to any problems you might have. I've been struggling a lot with my mental health over the past year and Sarah has always been there for me to contact whenever I need to talk about how I'm feeling or anything I'm worried about. She never turns you away, never judges you based what you say and always makes you feel better after talking to her about your worries. Sarah always cares about your home life as well as your uni life and will try and help with any problems that's she can. Sarah makes me feel proud to be Staffs as she is one of the only university lecturers that I have that always listens, thinks of you as a person rather than a number and is always there if you need her. Sarah also makes anyone feel welcome at Staffs as she is a very friendly and welcoming member of staff and I feel like she is the perfect representation of what university lecturers should be like. Sarah is the best personal tutor anyone could ask for and I feel so lucky to have her as mine."

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