Tanya Morgan, Support Worker SAAS

For making our community feel like home and offering incredible support in everything they do


This is a Proud to be Staffs Story

Here at Staffordshire University Students' Union, our vision is that every student will be Proud to be Staffs. Our stories are examples of the wonderful people and groups in our community and how they make us proud. 

Why not tell us what makes you proud? Click here to tell us your Story!


Proud to be Staffs Story: Tanya Morgan

Support Worker | Student and Academic Services


"Tanya has been supporting me for over a year now. Being an estranged student means I don’t really have many people to talk to. I speak to Tanya nearly every week. Every time we speak it doesn’t feel like an appointment, it feels like a catch up with a friend or an aunt, and she makes me so feel welcomed. No matter whether I’m having a breakdown, panic attack, rough day or just want someone to talk to, Tanya is pretty much available for a quick chat whenever she can be and it’s something I appreciate so much. I have had an extremely rough start to university and the lifestyle that comes with it, I have wanted to drop out so many times, but Tanya has made sure I keep pushing through and I would not have been able to continue going without the support of Tanya. It makes me Proud to be Staffs. Thankyou Tanya. "


We hope that you are as proud of your story as we are. However, if you would prefer the Students' Union to no longer display you story on our website, please email union@staffs.ac.uk and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.