Suggested searches: Elections, Societies, Disabled students,Allergies
By becoming a member, you will meet and be supported by like-minded people as well as receive discounted prices to our events and occasionally free entry to events on campus.
For 2024/25 we are planning to hold numerous events for all members, such as escape rooms, quiz nights, regular socials and our goal for summer 2025 is to help all students involved develop a new perspective on forensics and crime. Join our Discord to stay upto date on news and events or just to chat!
And our instagram to keep up with all the new information for events times and experiences
Crime Scene Manager (Group Manager) - Chloe Lomas (She/her)
Crime Scene Plan Drawer (Finance Officer) - Chelsea Haime (She/her)
Exhibits Officer (Wellbeing and Inclusions officer) -
Scientific Support Coordinator (Communications Officer) - Ace Corbett (They/them)
No upcoming events