Welcome to the Staffs Pokémon Society!


About Us
Pokémon Society is exactly what it says on the tin: a group where like-minded battlers, collectors and fans of all kinds gather to share their love for the biggest franchise in the world.
Established in 2018, our society has been growing and improving ever since, with our member numbers increasing with each academic year. We host events, activities and casual hangouts every Thursday from 6-9pm, and all you need to fit in is a love for all things Pokémon!
We look forward to meeting you this year, and hope you have as much fun in our sessions as we do!
What We Do
As mentioned above, all of our sessions take place on a Thursday evening. If no events are running, these are casuals. Casuals are member-led sessions where the committee has no plans and members can freely do what they like. Sometimes we come up with impromptu activities such as quizzes, mini competitions or discussing why the current state of the metagame is good/bad. Groups form for TCG players and battlers or collectors on Switches, whilst others may sit together and just chat.
We also have a large screen at our disposal that we can attach a Switch dock to, or we sometimes put on music or a movie using the computer. It all depends on what our members want to see!
Competitive Battling
Pokémon Society has plenty of members (and committee) who are passionate about battling. Members will often default to getting their consoles out and challenging others to a match!
Many of our members have in-depth experience with the competitive scene and are always open and willing to provide assistance to less-practised players.The competitive aspect of the games are rarely the primary focus of sessions, although sometimes players may dock switches to a screen to display a particularly interesting battle - especially scuffles born from developing rivalries.
We welcome those with a desire to take their battling to a higher level, as well as those just happy to watch a close battle!
Activities and Events
Our events and activities cover a wide range of niches. We have competitions of all kinds, including but not limited to tournaments, quizzes, bingo, and every year we host an Art Week session where members draw (or even design) Pokémon based on provided prompts!
These competitions offer in-game prizes or official Pokémon merchandise, making your victory in our events all the more sweet! The prizes correspond to what kind of event is taking place, so it’s not the same pikachu plush every single time.
We obviously can’t spoil anything just yet, but we have lots planned for this year, so join our discord server to stay up to date with our goings-on! (Link below)
All Things Pokémon
All of our members have interest in many different aspects of our beloved franchise, which is why we believe it’s important to make sure everyone has the opportunity to share their passions in session.
If there is a specific subset of Pokémon you would like us to host a session about (TCG, Anime, Go, etc.) don’t hesitate to get in touch with the committee in our Discord server and let us know what you like! If enough people express interest in a certain niche, we’ll make time for a session all about it!
Our Committee 2024-2025
Society Manager: Daisy Dillon
Daisy is our society manager, she’s the head of the committee and society as a whole. Her job involves making sure sessions run smoothly, as well as organising events and activities in collaboration with the rest of the committee.
Communications Officer: Luc Nutton
Luc, our communications officer, is in charge of announcements and social media. They make sure members are updated on what’s on and post photos from in-session onto our Instagram.
Finance Officer: Mirul Idzwan
Mirul’s duties as finance officer include monitoring the society’s budget to allow event organisation and planning prizes to remain consistent throughout the year. Alongside this, he will guarantee that subsequent years will have a budget left over for whatever endeavours they pursue.
Welfare Officer: Avery Chamberlain
Avery acts as our welfare officer, ensuring members feel safe and respected during their time as a society member, listening to any issues, complaints or suggestions that may come up. This feedback will then go forward to improving the quality of sessions as a whole.
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