Manifesto for the role of Communication Officer and Wellbeing and Inclusion Officer
Since joining the dance competition team, I look forward to attending lessons and spending time with the other members. I would like to take a step further and join the committee as a Communication or Wellbeing and Inclusion Officer. I would be perfect for these roles as I am friendly, open and dedicated to the dance team. I joined the SUDC in September of 2023 and I love every second of dance because of the friendships I have created with the other members, and I enjoy learning new dances. Due to my joyful personality, I feel as though people would like to come to me whenever they have a problem, whether it be financial, mental or something regarding dance. If I was to receive the role of Communication Officer, I would be prepared to run the SUDC’s social media page on the different platforms, by posting regularly (such as introducing the new members with the dancer’s permission or posting countdowns towards competitions and showcases). I would be ready to answer any questions which come through the DMs on Instagram, and I’d give the members freedom as to any dance trends they’d like to try and post on the TikTok page. If I was to receive the role of Wellbeing and Inclusion Officer, I would make sure everyone is okay and make myself available to approach in any way shape or form.
I truly believe that I am an excellent candidate for these roles and that I will fulfil the role to the best of my ability.
Thank you for reading!
Dev Das >:)