Law Society Mooting Final
The Supreme Court
Mooting Final Event at The Supreme Court
Group Members Only
CDAS (Community Drug and Alcohol Service) drop in
The Science Centre – Hub C
CDAS provides a free, confidential and friendly service to anyone who would like to seek support or advice relating to drugs or alcohol. This could be wanting to understand more, wanting to reduce their drug or alcohol intake or to learn more about s
Mellor S507
Our very first hackathon in partnership with Bet365. Test out your skills to win £50 Amazon voucher. Lunch (pizza) will be provided! Certificates for all participants.
Learning and Development | Food based events | Academic Interests | Activities and Games | Special Interest and Appreciation | Give it a Go | Community and Civic partners | Making a Change | Free Event
Poster for psychology society study session Study, Chat & Chill
A nice chill environment to come along and get some work done
Learning and Development | Academic Interests
Thinking of Running?
Students' Union offices or on Teams
Are you thinking of running in the Leadership Race?
Leadership Race | Featured Events | Online | Free Event
Wig Styling: Part 1
T005 in the Beacon Building
Want to know some basics on cosplay wigs? You're in the right place!
Special Interest and Appreciation
Myth Boardgames
Flaxman L100
Myth's weekly Boardgames Session
Activities and Games | Group Members Only
free pool Free Pool
Ember Lounge
Why not avoid the rush hour traffic and come and play pool in Ember, absolutely FREE!
Ember Lounge | Free Event
Rep Council
September Room
The Student Council is the governing body of the SU. It is composed entirely of elected students that help make policy decisions, oversee the work of your Officer Team. and help steer the direction of your Students' Union.
Academic Interests | Special Interest and Appreciation | Making a Change
25% off everything Cheap as Chips! 25% OFF EVERYTHING!!!
Ember Lounge
Ember Lounge | Food based events
Staf-fur-dshire Weekly Furmeet
Catalyst CA201
Come along to the weekly Staf-fur-dshire society furmeet! With fellow furries being silly with art, games and more! (Now in a MUCH bigger room!)
LGBTQ+ | Inclusion | Free Event
AniManga Meetup
Beacon 001/002
Come join us at the Anime and Manga society to hang out and make new friends. Our sessions are usually playing games and being weebs, feelnfree to hang out :D
Health and Wellbeing | Activities and Games | Arts, Media and Music | Special Interest and Appreciation | No Alcohol event
Mellor S500
Weekly Splatoon meet up. Come along to hang out and play some games!
Activities and Games | Special Interest and Appreciation | Esports and Gaming | No Alcohol event | Supporting Staffs
Cue Sports Society Night
37 Normacot Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1PL
The Cue Sport social event held at Longton Snooker & Pool Club.
Sport | Group Members Only
MKS Discord Server
Our online sessions through our discord! Open to all students, from any campus!
Activities and Games | London | Online | Free Event
Fight Club Weekly Casuals (Fatal Fury 2nd Beta Release Date)
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, complete newbies and tryhards alike are welcome Fatal Fury 2nd Beta releases in the morning, and so is expected to be available for casuals
Esports and Gaming | Group Members Only
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
Activities and Games | Esports and Gaming | Group Members Only
Myth TTRPG Nights
Catalyst CA203/4
Myth's Weekly TTRPG Session
Activities and Games | Group Members Only
speedquiz Speedquizzing
Ember Lounge
No pens, no paper, no cheating
Ember Lounge | Evening Entertainments
The Catalyst - CA103/4
Our main weekly meeting that includes a short talk and time of discussion followed by time to socialise
Open Lecture or Talk | Activities and Games | Faith and Religion | Free Event
The Knit & Natter Logo Knit & Natter Friday Session
Mellor Building - S351
The Member's Friday session for the Knit & Natter Society
Family Friendly | Activities and Games | Inclusion | Free Event
League of Legends Social
T204, Beacon
• Team Matches – Jump into custom games or join up for Summoner’s Rift, ARAM, and more! • Coaching & Tips – Get advice from experienced members or share your own insights. • Chill & Chat – Hang out with other players and talk strategy
Evening Entertainments | Activities and Games | Arts, Media and Music | Esports and Gaming | Free Event
Inclusive Social
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Evening Entertainments | Activities and Games | Give it a Go | LGBTQ+ | Inclusion | Networks Event | Group Members Only | Free Event
Mario Kart Fridays (VERVE)
Come join us in Verve for our Mario Kart sessions!
Family Friendly | Verve | Activities and Games
Myth Cardgames
Mellor S351
Myth's Weekly Cardgames Session
Activities and Games | Group Members Only
Virtually Social Game Night
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!
Activities and Games | Online | Group Members Only
march 28th Cocktail night and Masterclass
Ember Lounge
Learn some cocktail-making skills and enjoy a cocktail or two!
Ember Lounge | Evening Entertainments | Featured Events
Moutaineering - Kilnworx
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged
Sport | No Alcohol event | Group Members Only
Myth Wargames and Miniature Painting
Mellor S351
Myths Weekly Wargames, and Miniature painting session
Activities and Games | Group Members Only
F1 23 League Race
Staffs Motor Club go racing on F1 23! Join us every Monday for a fun league race with other members of the society! Race for the glory of finishing first, or just join in and have a laugh, everyone is welcome!
Activities and Games | Special Interest and Appreciation | Online | Esports and Gaming
RAMS Invasion
Ember Lounge - Side Room
Myth Dungeon Legends
Catalyst CA203/4
Myths Weekly Dungeon Legends Oneshot System for D&D 5e
Activities and Games | Group Members Only
Weekly Sessions
Catalyst building: CA202
Our weekly sessions include socialising and interactive discussions on various topics regarding living a Christ centred life. They aim to focus on how we can grow in our relationship with Christ and how to carry his teachings with us.
Faith and Religion
Solar eclipse photo North Staffs Astronomical Society
21st Hartshill Scout Group HQ, ST5 1DP
Search the stars, explore the galaxies with North Staffs Astro Soc
Open Lecture or Talk | Special Interest and Appreciation | Give it a Go | Curated Event
Ember Lounge
Karaoke hosted by the one and only DJ Sherz! Reckon you've got the pipes to impress others, or you and your housemates really want to bond over some terrible singing? Come join us for karaoke at Ember!
Ember Lounge | Evening Entertainments | Music and Dance
Student Wellbeing Drop-in
The Science Centre Computer Area
First Wednesday of every month
Health and Wellbeing | Supporting Staffs
Poster for psychology society study session Study, Chat & Chill
A nice chill environment to come along and get some work done
Learning and Development | Academic Interests


Original price£7.50Current price £5.00 (Guest)
Original price£5.00Current price £3.50 (MEMBER)

Digital Event Joining Instructions

Additional Information:

Don't miss out, set yourself a reminder!

Add this amazing event to your calendar so you won't forget!

Add this event to your Calendar





Note: The last entry into the venue is at midnight.

All students and guests MUST bring a VALID ID with them for entry! (Staffs Uni PHYSICAL or VIRTUAL ID, PASSPORT, DRIVERS LICENCE) 

keeping you safe


There are no accessibility restrictions. We have an accessible bar; carers are granted entry with anyone who needs them.

Please be aware mobility may be reduced due to furniture.


Security Code of Conduct:

1. Act with honesty and integrity

2. Be Trustworthy

3. Protect the people and the property you are entrusted to protect

4. Be professional at work

5. Act with fairness and impartiality

6. Be accountable for your decisions and actions

For more information, please follow this link