Collaboration with student groups Events

View this month's events

Wed 29th January

Robot Warz
2pm - 5pm
An Engineering Event with many challenges games and prises themed around robots
Robot Warz
2pm - 5pm
Join the Engineering and Computing Society for Robot Warz! Watch them fight for the crown. Drinks and snacks included <3 Tickets are £2.

Sun 2nd March

ACS Badminton
1pm - 3pm
Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre
Get active and join us in another sports event!

Wed 12th March

Debate Night 3: The Finale
6pm - 9pm
WITH KEELE ACS Speak now or forever hold your peace! Discussing controversial topics that are significant to the social climate, once more.

Sun 30th March

ACS Derby: Football
2pm - 6pm
Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre
Prepare yourselves for the ultimate clash of the year! Support your team to the final whistle and bring glory home.
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