Group Members Only Events

View this month's events

Wed 26th March

Myth Boardgames
3pm - 9pm
Flaxman L100
Myth's weekly Boardgames Session
Cue Sports Society Night
7pm - 11pm
37 Normacot Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1PL
The Cue Sport social event held at Longton Snooker & Pool Club.

Thu 27th March

Fight Club Weekly Casuals (Fatal Fury 2nd Beta Release Date)
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, complete newbies and tryhards alike are welcome Fatal Fury 2nd Beta releases in the morning, and so is expected to be available for casuals
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
Myth TTRPG Nights
27th March 6pm - 28th March 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myth's Weekly TTRPG Session

Fri 28th March

Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Myth Cardgames
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myth's Weekly Cardgames Session
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 31st March

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged
Myth Wargames and Miniature Painting
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myths Weekly Wargames, and Miniature painting session

Tue 1st April

Myth Dungeon Legends
6pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myths Weekly Dungeon Legends Oneshot System for D&D 5e

Wed 2nd April

Myth Boardgames
3pm - 9pm
Flaxman L100
Myth's weekly Boardgames Session
Cue Sports Society Night
7pm - 11pm
37 Normacot Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1PL
The Cue Sport social event held at Longton Snooker & Pool Club.

Thu 3rd April

Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
Wheel of Kuso - Fight Club
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Kusoge April Fools Tournament
Myth TTRPG Nights
3rd April 6pm - 4th April 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myth's Weekly TTRPG Session

Fri 4th April

Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Myth Cardgames
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myth's Weekly Cardgames Session
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 7th April

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged
Myth Wargames and Miniature Painting
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myths Weekly Wargames, and Miniature painting session

Tue 8th April

Myth Dungeon Legends
6pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myths Weekly Dungeon Legends Oneshot System for D&D 5e

Wed 9th April

Myth Boardgames
3pm - 9pm
Flaxman L100
Myth's weekly Boardgames Session
Cue Sports Society Night
7pm - 11pm
37 Normacot Rd, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent ST3 1PL
The Cue Sport social event held at Longton Snooker & Pool Club.

Thu 10th April

Fight Club Weekly Casuals
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, newbies and tryhards welcome
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
Myth TTRPG Nights
10th April 6pm - 11th April 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myth's Weekly TTRPG Session

Fri 11th April

Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Myth Cardgames
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myth's Weekly Cardgames Session
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 14th April

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged
Myth Wargames and Miniature Painting
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myths Weekly Wargames, and Miniature painting session

Tue 15th April

Myth Dungeon Legends
6pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myths Weekly Dungeon Legends Oneshot System for D&D 5e

Wed 16th April

Myth Boardgames
3pm - 9pm
Flaxman L100
Myth's weekly Boardgames Session

Thu 17th April

Fight Club Weekly Casuals
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, newbies and tryhards welcome
Myth TTRPG Nights
17th April 6pm - 18th April 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myth's Weekly TTRPG Session

Fri 18th April

Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Myth Cardgames
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myth's Weekly Cardgames Session
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 21st April

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged
Myth Wargames and Miniature Painting
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myths Weekly Wargames, and Miniature painting session

Tue 22nd April

Myth Dungeon Legends
6pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myths Weekly Dungeon Legends Oneshot System for D&D 5e

Wed 23rd April

Myth Boardgames
3pm - 9pm
Flaxman L100
Myth's weekly Boardgames Session

Thu 24th April

Fight Club Weekly Casuals
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, newbies and tryhards welcome
Myth TTRPG Nights
24th April 6pm - 25th April 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myth's Weekly TTRPG Session

Fri 25th April

Inclusive Social
6pm - 9pm
CA201, Catalyst
A weekly get-together for LGBTQ+ and disabled students to allow them a safe environment to craft, play games and socialise.
Myth Cardgames
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myth's Weekly Cardgames Session
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 28th April

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged
Myth Wargames and Miniature Painting
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myths Weekly Wargames, and Miniature painting session

Tue 29th April

Myth Dungeon Legends
6pm - 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myths Weekly Dungeon Legends Oneshot System for D&D 5e

Wed 30th April

Myth Boardgames
3pm - 9pm
Flaxman L100
Myth's weekly Boardgames Session

Thu 1st May

Fight Club Weekly Casuals
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, newbies and tryhards welcome
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!
Myth TTRPG Nights
1st May 6pm - 2nd May 10pm
Catalyst CA203/4
Myth's Weekly TTRPG Session

Fri 2nd May

Myth Cardgames
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myth's Weekly Cardgames Session
Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 5th May

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged
Myth Wargames and Miniature Painting
6pm - 11pm
Mellor S351
Myths Weekly Wargames, and Miniature painting session

Thu 8th May

Fight Club Weekly Casuals
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, newbies and tryhards welcome
Overwatch 2 | Gaming Session!
5pm - 10pm
Come join us for our WEEKLY gaming session! We play custom games against each other, from either a casual and competitive standpoint! Come on over and make some amazing friends! Membership is mandatory to join the sessions!

Fri 9th May

Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 12th May

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged

Thu 15th May

Fight Club Weekly Casuals
5pm - 9pm
Cadman Building / Room D101 / Stoke Campus
Casual Fighting Game setups, bring your own controller, but we have access to Steam for games, newbies and tryhards welcome

Fri 16th May

Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 19th May

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged

Fri 23rd May

Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 26th May

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged

Fri 30th May

Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Mon 2nd June

Moutaineering - Kilnworx
5:30pm - 8pm
Mountaineering session at kilnworx, meet outside the sports centre at 5.30 where transport will be arranged

Fri 6th June

Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!

Fri 13th June

Virtually Social Game Night
6pm - 7:30pm
Join us on Virtually Social Discord server!
Come and join us for our weekly gaming session, vote for which game you'd like to play each week and make new friends within our community!
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