Organisation Partnership Agreement
inVOLved, on behalf of Staffordshire University Students’ Union, is committed to providing high quality, engaging and suitable volunteering opportunities. By registering with the inVOLved scheme you too must be committed to supporting volunteers in seeking enjoyment and their full potential.
Failure to respect the inVOLved provider Service Level Agreement may result in your engagement with Staffordshire University Students’ Union being immediately concluded.
On behalf of an organisation providing a volunteering opportunity through inVOLved I agree to:
Provide a suitably expansive induction programme, covering Health and Safety needs specific to the work of the volunteer
Organise appropriate training and development opportunities specific to the role of the volunteer within your organisation
Actively encouragement volunteers to communicate progress and activities to the inVOLved volunteer coordinator
Maintain adequate Public and Employer’s liability insurance, which covers volunteer workers
Actively support volunteering by informing them and inVOLved of your policy on the reimbursement of expense