Emily Baughn and Jasmine Barton, Student Volunteers

For looking after our planet and environment for the future


This is a Proud to be Staffs Story

Here at Staffordshire University Students' Union, our vision is that every student will be Proud to be Staffs. Our stories are examples of the wonderful people and groups in our community and how they make us proud. 

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Proud to be Staffs Story: Emily Baughn and Jasmine Barton

Student Volunteers | Staffordshire University


"Emily and Jasmine are two of the university's sustainable volunteers, working on the Wild Staffs and the Great Green Gathering projects. As well as their amazing work with these projects, Emily and Jasmine took time out of their day to share their work and advertise to our students and encourage others to get involved in making our campus more sustainable. Thanks for going above and beyond! You make me proud to be staffs"


We hope that you are as proud of your story as we are. However, if you would prefer the Students' Union to no longer display you story on our website, please email union@staffs.ac.uk and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.