Can I take a break over the summer?

Can I take a break over the summer?


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Can I take a break over the summer?

Volunteering is a flexible process and in most cases, you'll be welcome to take a break over the summer. However, circumstances will differ between opportunities:

For example, if you begin volunteering in a structured role with many responsibilities, it is very likely that the impact on both your chosen organisation and their service users will be notable. Imagine volunteering as an adviser to people with disabilities. You'll no doubt go through a considerable amount of training and taking time over the summer will mean that there are real-people effected by your absence. If you intend to a summer break away from the area, this kind of role may not be for you.

However, as a different example, where a team in a Charity Shop will no doubt miss your support over the summer, the impact of you taking a break is likely to be much less.

Our advice is to simply be responsible with your decisions to volunteer and make sure you communicate with your volunteering manager or supervisor, so that arrangements and plans can be made to support your time away.

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