Christian Union's Sweets & Treats

Awesome students from our Christian Union brave the cool night air to give out free sweets and treats to LRV party goers.

Photo of Christian union members

September 25th was a busy day for our Christian Union...

They started at 09:30 to set up their stall for the massively succesful Welcome Fair in the Catalyst building, which saw over 2000 students visting our clubs and society stalls! Talking to many students, answering questions and giving out sweets was a thourohly enjoyable event.

Although, the Christian Union didn't stop there; after packing away their stall it was time to meet with Mick Williams, the University Chaplain.

Along with other faith based societies, the Friends Of Faith Group meeting was really productive as ideas to host and support faith based events, fundraising activities and cultural celebrations throughout the academic year were discussed.

Next it was time to turn their attention to their evening activity;

Our awesome Christian Union team then braved the cool night air to give out free sweets and treats to LRV attendees as they left the venue at the end of the night. In the early hours, between 01:00 and 03:00, the team were stationed outside of LRV (wrapped up in scaves and jackets) to meet with students to offer cups of water to help keep students hydrated, sweet treats and general chit chat.

The team said that they had a really positive response from students who definately appreciated the freebies, and the Christian Union team had a great time interacting with students and chatting to them as they left the venue.

The Christain Union team are hoping to repeat the activity on other future LRV club nights - so if you see them around, make sure you say hi and grab a freebie!

You can find out more about the Christian Union here: