Citizenship Module

What you need to know regarding the new module just launched on Blackboard.

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Dear Student, 


You will see that you have recently had a citizenship module added to your Blackboard.  We would like to apologise for any confusion that this may have caused. We had planned for the below communication to go out before the release of the module to make you aware of what we are doing and what we are aiming to achieve.


The Students’ Union and Staffordshire University have joined forces to run the Citizenship module as part of our #NoExcuses campaign and commitment to Office for students 'statement of expectation' to ensure we continue tackle unacceptable behaviours, such as sexual misconduct, bullying and harassment, at Staffs and beyond.


The citizenship module is a new initiative that we hope our students will engage with to become active citizens in our University communities.  The citizenship module is there as an educational resource covering topics like consent, healthy relationships and gender-based violence. The topics discussed in this module are important, and we have a duty of care to our entire student population to ensure information such as this is made easily accessible and readily available. Your experience with us is important which includes both your learning and your engagement and interactions within the University.

The module has been automatically added to all Students' Blackboard in advance of summer and from September this will form part of a students on-boarding journey with us. 


It is important to note: This is not credit-bearing and is optional for students to engage with, but we hope many students actively take part to ensure that you keep yourself and others safe during your time with us.


This work has been developed in conjunction with the Office for Students: to ensure that students are educated on such matters. It provides a set of consistent recommendations to support higher education providers in England to develop and implement effective systems, policies and processes to prevent and respond to incidents of harassment and sexual misconduct. Statement of expectations - Office for Students


We always welcome student feedback. If you feel there are areas we can improve, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with the University on or the Students' Union 


If you have been affected by the content in this module, then please do not hesitate to reach out to our Sexual Violence Liaison Team on Sexual violence - Current students - Staffordshire University (
