Glee Club - Proud to be part of Staffs

We're pleased to share examples of the wonderful people and groups in our community and how they make our student members feel proud to be part of Staffs.


Celebrating your campus heroes:

Here at Staffordshire University Students' Union, our vision is that every student will be Proud to be part of Staffs.

We're pleased to share examples of the wonderful people and groups in our community and how they make our student members feel proud. Each group or individual that receives a recognition submission is in with a chance of winning a We Are Staffs Award! 


Glee Club

Student led group | Drama and Performance


Some proud students told us...

"I recently joined Glee club because I watched the variety show and saw Glee club sing and wanted to part of the society as they sounded really good and I wanted to be part of the society even though I am not an amazing singer."

"Alana is such an amazing person that has made the society run so well and I would like to recognise her for her volunteering work that she will be doing in the summer by going to Kenya with a charity to bulid a play ground for children in Kenya."

"I’m so proud of glee club for coming so far and facing any problem that’s been thrown at us I’m also proud of them for performing in a show even through we didn’t have much time to prepare"

"I’m proud to be part of this group because I have been able to sing with a lovely bunch of people and have formed lots of different friendships within this. It has also helped with confidence. I also have been able to watch other people talents within this."

"I am proud of Tom Jones' work: Anything that was asked of them, was done efficiently and had care for everyone and honestly any society would be lucky to have him!"

"Alana Tucker has made me feel welcome when I started the club and has always given me confidence with my voice. She’s also been very supportive with everyone within Glee Club and made everyone feel comfortable and happy within this environment."

"The members of this society stuck with eachother supported eachother and did amazing as a whole and supporting other society’s helping with eachother as a whole. Even though the society started to have problems we’ve stuck with eachother and genuinely have been great"



Thank you Glee Club and Alana Tucker for making a positive difference for students here at Staffs.



We hope that you are as proud of your story as we are. However, if you would prefer the Students' Union to no longer display your story on our website, please email and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help.