Signing and sharing petitions is one way that you can:
- Help environmental organisations
- Support sustainable campaigns
- Amplify your voice
- Make policy makers take notice of the will of the people.

Join the WWF petition to protect nature
We’ll hand this petition into all major political parties to prove that the public wants real action from the next government to stop the destruction of nature.

Wildlife Trust Campaign

Take action with Greenpeace
Find all of the current Greenpeace petitions and social media campaigns here

Surfers Against Sewage are calling for UK water companies to clean up their act
You can add your voice here

The Wildlife Trusts are asking individuals to email their MP
To show support for Nature Friendly Farming

WWF, RSPB and the National Trust have joined together to take action to support and Save Our Wild Isles
Add your voice to the People’s Plan for Nature.

Good Clothes, Fair Pay
is a campaign demanding living wage legislation across the garment, textile and footwear sector.
You can join the campaign here

Sustainable Development Goals Teach In
Find out why sustainability in education matters
Ask your academics to pledge to participate in the 2023 SDG Teach In

and Pledge For Our Planet

17th March - 2 April
Join as an individual or a group

Campaign against plastic pollution:
> Sign the Greenpeace Global Plastics Treaty to break free from plastic pollution
> Take action with Client Earth

Sign the petition to stop water companies dumping sewage and polluting our rivers

We need individuals and organisations to declare their support for the Climate & Ecology Bill and tell our politicians it’s time for bold new legislation on climate and nature. Join the campaign.

The Climate Coalition are using the power of green hearts to show decision makers that they want to see urgent action to tackle climate change, protect nature and bring down bills.
Will you send a message to your MP?
Make a change and cut a tonne from your carbon footprint

Compassion in World Farming want you to
ask world leaders at the United Nations to take action to reduce global consumption of animal sourced foods and shift to nature friendly farming
Support Oxfam's campaign to Demand Action
Email the Prime Minister to demand action on the world's climate and humanitarian crises
Map where nature can live
Know of some unloved places? Want special places to have more protection?
Let's tell the UK government about them.

The first of the Sustainable Development Goals is No Poverty.
Send your MP a letter reminding them how financially hard this winter will be for students
This NUS template Christmas card is quick and easy to use
Join the urgent converstion
Tell the Prime Minister that urgent action is required to protect nature

Write a Letter to Tomorrow
Support the Climate Coalition's #LettersToTomorrow campaign

Teach the Future
Ask your MP if they support broad climate education,
to equip students with skills and knowledge needed for the green jobs of the future
Sign the government petition
Help the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust to increase wetlands in the UK
to 'help fight the wellbeing, climate and nature crisis'
Sign the Fairtrade Foundation's

Help #DefendNature