Quick Guide to Academic Societies

What are Academic Societies? Features and Benefits


What are Academic Societies?

Academic societies are managed by students with the aim to enhance both their learning and student experience at the university. The societies receive financial and administrative support from the Students’ Union who ensure the health and safety of students is upheld at all times and that the activities are inclusive, accessible and beneficial to all who take part. Any student can join any academic society even if the society is not reflective of their course of study.

Academic Societies do not aim to replicate teaching, instead they complement and enhance the classroom learning by providing opportunities for peer support and exploring through discussion as well as a wide range of both extra and co-curricular activity from industry expert external speakers and Q&As to skills workshops and networking events.

An Academic Society has clear links to a specific area of study, usually a course, but sometimes the focus maybe broader and encompass a wider department, alternatively the society’s interests may be more specialised upon a particular element of a course.

The society may affiliate to a professional body or national learned society, but this is not a requirement.

Ideally, the society will have a named academic staff guide, an expert in the field who is willing to advise the student committee on subject matters such as industry experts and networking opportunities, who takes a keen interest in and promotion of activities and opportunities and who liaises with the Students’ Union to help the facilitation of events.

Students from any course/area of study can join any academic society they are interested in. 


Our vision is that we will have an active society representing each key area of study offered at Staffordshire University. Our aim is to work closely with key academic staff members to identify and facilitate the delivery of extra and co-curricular opportunities that enrich the student experience, enhance learning through opportunities to explore subject areas in an informal, safe and inclusive environment and simultaneously promote belonging and student community engagement.  

Academic Societies - Benefits to students

  • Students are supported and encouraged to explore their individual talents and passions with peers who share a common interest, they have the opportunity to explore their academic field of study further outside of the classroom.
  • Students have the opportunity to develop knowledge, confidence and identity as individuals within a broader learning community, they have the opportunity to grow as part of an established, supportive peer group.
  • Academic societies support students’ learning outside of contact time and students can expect to develop key employability skills
  • Staff have the opportunity to engage with students within a social setting while exploring the academic field of study further.
  • Student sense of belonging is found to be most prevalent where the academic and social spheres fuse

We know from observing our academic societies over the years, the invaluable experiences and peer support that students have experienced, empowers them to stay in higher education and graduate with a multitude of skills for employability, knowledge for use in wider society and friends to last a lifetime.

We have a range of academic societies here at Staffs, that are fun, educational, CV enhancing and waiting for you!