This week in Spotlight, we have a society that shares a collective passion to hunt and “assassinate” each other using foam darts and various traps to accomplish their mission objectives set by our beloved Captain, Assbeard. Yes, we are talking about none other than the Guild of Assassins Society!
Welcome back you all to the campus! We Hope you had a wonderful holiday and are now ready to rock your campus life at Staffs. This week in Spotlight, we have a society that shares a collective passion to hunt and “assassinate” each other using foam darts and various traps to accomplish their mission objectives set by our beloved Captain, Assbeard. Yes, we are talking about none other than the Guild of Assassins Society!
The Society is run by Jonathan Stock as a manager, Megan Oxenbold – as a communications officer, Morgan Harris as finance officer and Duncan Lakin-Hall as a well-being and inclusion officer.

Events and Activities of the Guild of Assassins
Earlier this year they hosted a weeklong game called Circle of Death, this saw players receive their targets through Handmade scrolls distributed by overseers with the circle of players getting smaller as more and more targets were eliminated until there was only a single assassin standing.
They run both long and short games, short games such as Zombies (our version of infected) run for only an afternoon and are generally faster paced, long games such as Bounty Hunter (a free for all between the participants) can last up to two weeks and are much more reliant on strategy and planning.
As they don’t run weekly events, their games take on distinct personalities that make each one a wildly different experience from the next. Sadly, their uniqueness as a society makes it very difficult for them to run collab events, not that they wouldn’t be interested.
Why join the Guild of Assassins?
It is a brilliant way of escaping our repetitive student worries by always looking over our shoulders in fear of being stabbed in the back at any moment.
Here is what the committee members like about the Society.
Meg - Knowing that people are having fun playing something I’ve put together.
Duncan - The thrill of a tactical engagement with a competent opponent
Morgan - I like how it is possible for people to develop their own playstyles within each game, with there being no ‘correct’ way to play.
Jonathan - “I’m the best.”
John - I love seeing some of the ridiculous items that members create to gain the upper hand in a fight.
Overall, it’s a fun game!
How to join?
Now, society memberships will be available from 1st week of September.
Here is how you can buy the membership.
- Click here to join the Society
- Log in with your student details
- Click join and checkout in the basket.
Like their Facebook page @staffsassassin and Instagram @staffsassassins where they will be uploading their game highlights.
Follow their discord server here for regular updates.