Spotlight of the Week - Pokémon Society

Let's gather around my fellow "Trainers" because this week, our spotlight shines brightly upon the Pokémon Society! Pokémon Society is, shockingly, a society about all things Pokémon! They’re a large but friendly group of Pokémon fanatics who love to play the games, collect the cards, watch the anime and share their interests with other fellow fans!

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Let's gather around my fellow "Trainers" because this week, our spotlight shines brightly upon the Pokémon Society! Pokémon Society is, shockingly, a society about all things Pokémon!

They’re a large but friendly group of Pokémon fanatics who love to play the games, collect the cards, watch the anime and share their interests with other fellow fans!


Events & Activities

They meet every Thursday at 6-9 pm in the Beacon building, T003/4.

They also host frequent events for their members related to all aspects of the franchise, along with plenty of activities and competitions that offer official Pokémon merchandise as prizes.

The more members, the bigger the prizes can be! They also have casual sessions where members can battle, compare collections or even just chat!

Last week, they also organised a Pokémon movie night on October 19th in the Flaxman film theatre, collaborating with Anime Society.

The society is hosting the Staffs Pokémon League in January, a tournament with a top prize of £50 cash + merchandise. They are also planning to host workshops to help teach new players how to battle competitively so that our members have the best chance at victory. Tickets are open now, and if you buy a society membership, the admission price is cheaper.

Quotes from Members

We always make an effort to make every member feel welcome and comfortable. We know how scary it is to be a new student and not know anybody! I personally met all of my friends through Pokémon Society, and I know plenty of members have had the same experience. Societies are an integral part of socialising in university, and we just want to make it a place where everyone feels like they belong. -  Daisy

Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. I actually feel like I’m part of the society, and it’s awesome to have a society for an interest I have that’s so important to me! - Mav

I think poke soc is slay because there are other people who actually like Pokémon - Alicia

It’s very chill, good for casuals and is active with nice people and no cliques. - Daniel

It’s where I can showcase my competitive spirit whilst also enjoying the niche aspects of Pokémon - Henry

Pokémon Society allows people to make friends easily and in a laid-back mannerLucas


Why join Pokémon Society?

Pokémon Society is about having fun together and ensuring everyone's ideas count. The group is super friendly, and it's a place where you can be yourself and have a blast with fellow Pokémon fans.

The manager, Daisy is very friendly and constantly listen to the community for feedback on how they can do things better. She was also nominated for the We Are Staffs Awards from one of the members of the society for being very active and engaging running the society. You can read her Proud to be Staffs here.

The society is proud of the sense of community among its members. All members are friendly, and our turnout has been consistent all year.

How to join Pokémon Society?

Joining the Pokémon Society is simple and only costs £3 for a year! Follow these simple steps below to join the Society online!

  1. Click here to join Pokémon Society
  2. Log in with your student details.
  3. Click join and checkout in the basket.

If you are interested in learning more about Pokémon and what they have going on, the best place to learn more about the group is on their Discord server, where they discuss upcoming events planned as well as other Society-related information. You can access their Discord server here: 

You can also follow them on Instagram at @staffspkmnsociety
