Hello students! This week in Spotlight we are introducing you to a society that might interest many of you as it's popularity is growing worldwide! The society offers a great space for people who love anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture! Yes, we are talking about the Staffs Anime and Manga Society also known as SAMS!
Hello students! This week in Spotlight we are introducing you to a society that might interest many of you as it's popularity is growing worldwide! The society offers a great space for people who love anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture! Yes, we are talking about the Staffs Anime and Manga Society also known as SAMS!
They are a group of people who enjoy watching and talking about anime and manga. With a variety of different genres being enjoyed within our members, it's the perfect place to make some new friends with similar interests!
The society is run by Corey Carter as a manager, Joke Tooke – Communications officer, Sam Mesher – Mascot artist, Zoey – Finance officer and Harriet as a welfare officer.

SAMS Events and Activities
The society hosts two sessions a week: one social session every Wednesday and another on every Friday!
In the past, they hosted events such as Family Fued, anime/movie watch parties, anime murder mysteries, visual novel acting, and pumpkin carving.
They are planning to host sessions with the cosplay society. If you want to read about the Cosplay Society, you can read their Spotlight article here. The society is also planning to host an easter egg hunt, more watch parties, and fun games.
Why join the SAMS?
To hang out with people who enjoy the things they do and help get them more into anime and manga if they're just starting to watch anime. They are all friendly and introverts so don't need to worry if you're shy or new.
The variety in activities and the creative efforts that goes into them is something you can enjoy and get some creative experience that can add a value in your creative field of career.
Their social sessions on Wednesdays are all about chilling with other members, making new friends, and socialising, which can help you keep your mind free from stress and keep you in a good mood.
How to Join SAMS Society?
Now, society memberships will be available from 1st week of September 2024. The membership only costs £3 per year.
Here is how you can buy the membership.
1)Click here to join the SAMS Society.
2)Login with your student details
3)Click join and checkout in the basket.
You can like their Facebook page @StaffsAMS and join their Discord server here and stay updated.