“Reversing Islamisation”, refusing permission for any further mosques and banning the hijab and burqa.
Stop immigration by introducing a National Security Moratorium, stopping all further immigration into Britain “until we can sort out the politicians’ Immigration shambles and deport the two million+ here illegally".
Replace the “100,000” bureaucrats in the NHS with doctors, nurses and dentists.
SOURCE: Policies webpage https://bnp.org.uk/policies/
Godfrey Davis - Christian People's Alliance
Encourage wealth to be distributed "more fairly". 
Offer grants to newlyweds who attend at least three sessions of marital awareness training.
Step-by-step repeal OF the 1967 Abortion Act, challenging "the culture of death by seeking legislation which confers the full protection of the law on all human life, from conception until natural death."
SOURCE: Latest manifesto http://cpaparty.net/index.html
Barbara Fielding - Independent
"Abolish Magna Carta, Reinstate Monarchy."
Repatriate all immigrants and give their jobs to UK Nationals.
Upgrade our Police force and give them better pay.
SOURCE: Her website https://abolishmcrm.com/votebarbara-fielding-independent-stoke-central-23rd-february-2017/
The Incredible Flying Brick - Monster Raving Loony Party
Abolish gravity with immediate effect.
Ensure that all European trains will be fuelled by gravy.
Have a good breakfast of oatcakes and a delicious lunch of lobby.
SOURCE: His webpage https://www.loonyparty.com/3613/5803/the-incredible-flying-brick-will-save-stoke/
Paul Nuttall - UK Independence Party (UKIP)
'Local people and veterans are prioritised first for social housing.' 
'Reduce the pressure on housing by ending open door immigration and stop preferential treatment to groups such as travellers – rules should apply to us all.'
'Improve access to quality local education and create more grammar schools and technical colleges.'
SOURCE: UKIP's local election manifesto 2016 http://www.ukip.org/local2016
Gareth Snell - Labour
A special Brexit deal for the ceramics industry.
Attract quality jobs to the city to ensure a pay rise.
Increase the number of homes being built and ensure that plenty of these are affordable for first-time buyers.
SOURCE: His website manifesto http://www.garethsnell.org.uk/planforthepotteries