In September 2024, the Office for Students (OfS) approved a name change for the University to become the University of Staffordshire.
Your Students' Union is still registered with the Charity Commission as Staffordshire University Students' Union (CIO 11733301).
This means that the current legal name is no longer accurate, and the Trustees of the Students Union propose to update the legal name of the Students Union to one that remains relevant.
To inform that process, the Trustees will be asking students to confirm their choice via a referendum as part of this year's Leadership Race.
However, before the referendum formally confirms any change, the Trustees are opening the proposal for student feedback.
Currently the Trustees propose that the question put to students via referendum is as below:
The Trustee Board would like to know whether you would prefer your Students Union to be formally known as:
a) University of Staffordshire Students' Union
b) Staffordshire Students' Union
As a result of this decision by students, the constitution, by-laws and all legal documents will be updated by replacing all references to Staffordshire University Students Union with the preferred [New Name] as passed by a simple majority (either a or b).
If you do not approve of the amendment of the Constitution to update the name of Staffordshire University Students' Union, you can indicate that choice here ☐
NB - Almost all internal branding uses "Students' Union" (rather than the full legal name), therefore, there will not be a need to spend significant time or money changing signage.
If you have feedback that you would like the Students' Union Trustee Board to consider before confirming the above wording for the referendum, please send it through to