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In this society, we are passionate about mental health and its impact on students as well as in the public. Through organised activities, we aim to tackle social isolation and loneliness by connecting with a wide range of students. We are committed to raising awareness of mental health struggles among everyone in university life to promote a safe space where students can come and find a comfortable environment. We will continually be shouting from the rooftops about mental health and can provide signposting to various internal and external support services if necessary. Some events that are a possibility are coffee morning socials both on campus and via Teams, film nights and bake sales. Hopefully, we will hold fund-raising events for mental health charities and collaborate with other SU societies to further promote mental health awareness.
Disclaimer: We are not therapists and will not advise on mental health. However, we can give you support and direct you in the right direction to get advice.
No upcoming events