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About LGBTQ+ Network


Upcoming Events

LGBT+ Friday Socials
22nd November 5pm - 8pm
Squeezebox, Verve
This Friday social is an event where students can socialise, play games and enjoy drinks & snacks (not provided by the network).
LGBT+ Friday Socials
29th November 5pm - 8pm
Squeezebox, Verve
This Friday social is an event where students can socialise, play games and enjoy drinks & snacks (not provided by the network).
LGBT+ Friday Socials
6th December 5pm - 8pm
Squeezebox, Verve
This Friday social is an event where students can socialise, play games and enjoy drinks & snacks (not provided by the network).
LGBT+ Friday Socials
13th December 5pm - 8pm
Squeezebox, Verve
This Friday social is an event where students can socialise, play games and enjoy drinks & snacks (not provided by the network).
LGBT+ Friday Socials
20th December 5pm - 8pm
Squeezebox, Verve
This Friday social is an event where students can socialise, play games and enjoy drinks & snacks (not provided by the network).