Opening times
Squeeze Box is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. It offers the best coffee on campus at student-friendly prices.
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Sustainability and Squeeze Box
It's not easy being green...
But here at Squeeze Box, we're committed to being green! As a Students' Union, we proudly work towards being a Sustainable Union.

Here are some of the steps we take to support our sustainability at Staffs:
We offer milk alternatives.
You can choose to have Oat, Coconut, or Soya milk in all your favourite hot drinks, milkshakes, and smoothies. There's no extra charge, and it's vegan-friendly. Switching to dairy alternatives, the most sustainable option can reduce your environmental impact.

We encourage you to bring your own mug.
There's nothing like your favourite hot drink in your very own mug. Here at Squeeze Box to encourage you to help save the planet, we also offer 25p off any drink when you bring your own reusable mug.

We reduce our plastic waste.
To help reduce plastic, we only use 'PLA' cups, lids, and straws. But what is PLA...PLA is corn starch, and will not be affected by this as it's compostable and biodegrades in 3-6 months.

We offer Fairtrade products.
Working with Fairtrade is a TEA-rific way to be sustainable, as Fairtrade farmers are encouraged to live, work and grow sustainably. Find out more about Fairtrade here.