Find your way around the Stoke-on-Trent campus
Use this interactive map to find different places around campus and what students think about them.
Best used on a desktop or tablet device. For mobile, use the → icon to open the full map.
Click ≡ to see the full list of locations.
On-campus Abbreviations
On your timetables, each room number has a letter in front. This indicates in which building the room is located, e.g. S200 is on the second floor of the Mellor Building.
- Cadman/Blackstone/G Block | A, B, C, D, E, F, G
- Flaxman | L
- Mellor | S
- Dwight | K
- Henrion | H
- Science Centre | R
- Ashley | LT
- Law School | LW
- Performance Centre | P
- Beacon | T
- Catalyst | CA
Bus Routes
Bus Routes from College Road, Stoke Station and Leek Road (by 6th Form College)
Hanley: 9 / 23 / 23A / 25
Newcastle: 25
Sainsburys (1 mile), London Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7QD
Lidl (1 mile), London Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7SG
Iceland (1 mile), London Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7SG
Aldi (1.5 miles), Victoria Road, Fenton, ST4 2HX
Asda (1.5 miles), Vitoria Road, Fenton, ST4 2HE