Opting in to the Students' Union
From the moment you enroll as a student at Staffordshire University, you get free membership of Staffordshire University Students' Union when you opt in.
We are here to support, represent and advise you; to provide recreational, social, cultural and sporting activities and to provide you with space and services that add to your University experience.
As a member of the Students' Union you will gain access to the following services and benefits:
- Academic Representation
- Student Advice Centre
- Sports clubs and societies
- Student funding and money advice
- Participation student democracy
- staffsunion.com web account
- Entertainment venues
- Social event programme
- Volunteering opportunities
- Skills development courses
- NUS Extra student discount
During enrollment you'll be provided with a list of what we offer and asked to opt in and share data with the Students' Union. This gives you access to all of our student services and helps us to better understand, shape and customise them for you.
So when you enroll, remember to:
Opt in
Share your data
Log into e:Vision and opt in