Staffordshire University Students Union is a Registered Charity and in 2017 it changed its legal form to be a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Every charity has a governing body (most often called a board) that takes overall responsibility for its work. The board is made up of Trustees, who collectively have overall control of a charity and are responsible for making sure it’s doing what it was set up to do. In the case of your Students' Union, this is making sure that the Union is fulfilling it's core purpose of representing students' academic interests and that all of it's strategic and operational processes back this up.
Trustees use their skills and experience to support their charities, helping them achieve their aims. Trustees also often learn new skills during their time on the board.
The Board of Trustees at Staffordshire University Students Union is composed of:
4 Sabbatical Trustees
These are the 4 Full Time Officers who are elected each year by student members:
They are elected to serve for a year, but may run for a second year.
Under the Education Act, an individual may only be a Sabbatical Officer for a maximum of 2 years.
Up to 5 Student Trustees
Joining the Sabbatical Trustees are up to 5 Student Trustees. These are current students at the University, who have volunteered to be part of the board.
Student Trustees are recruited rather than elected and are chosen for their skills, knowledge and enthusiasm.
The recruitment of trustees, also aims to encourage appicants that reflect the diversity of the membership here at Staffs and ensure that there is a range of perspectives and experiences inputting into the decisions of the board.
Up to 4 Lay Trustees
In addition to the Student and Sabbatical Trustees, The Union recruits up to 4 lay Trustees.
Lay Trustees are volunteers who serve for a term of up to 4 years, and provide continuity to the Board as well as bringing external experiences and professional knowledge to the work of the Union.
Current and previous Trustees have been drawn from the professional fields of Legal, Charity, Business Management, Finance, Personnel and Digital Marketing, with the majority having been former students of the University.
The 2024/25 Board of Trustees includes
Trustee Board Paperwork 2024/25
Trustee Board Paperwork 2023/24
Trustee Board Paperwork 2022/23
Trustee Board Paperwork 2021/22
Trustee Board Paperwork 2020/21
Trustee Board Paperwork 2019/20
Trustee Register of Interests 2019/2020
Trustee Board Paperwork 2018/19
Trustee Register of Interest 2018/19
Trustee Board Paperwork 2017/18
There are no current news articles.